Tvoja Najvyššia verzia samej seba, tvoja vnútorná Kráľovná už čaká. Dovolíš si ju vypočuť? Váš neobmedzený seba verzia vás čaká. Objav moje jedinečné súkromné koučingové balíčky 1:1 a dovoľ si urobiť kvantový skok vo svojom podnikateľskom živote v ľahkosti.
1.mesačný balíček, 3x90 min Súkromná koučingová session s Aurorou, Online cez Google meet alebo Telefón
Vo svojom vnútri vieš a cítiš že si tu pre niečo oveľa lepšie.
Si pripravená stať sa Kráľovnou ktorá si naozaj zaslúži to po čom túži? Si úspešná žena, ktorá túži a cíti hlboko v sebe to volanie po slobode a po niečom oveľa väčšom, lepšom? Miluješ to čo robíš, vieš že si v tom dobrá no aj napriek tomu že máš rada to čo robíš, máš v sebe prázdne miesto a túžiš a hľadáš niečo oveľa väčšie, iné čo ťa znovu bude napíňať radosťou a iskrou?
Predstav si život, v ktorom si naozaj voľná, šťastná, sama sebou, bez tých všetkých mentálnych obmedzení a stou iskrou v očiach ako nikdy predtým. Ten život je bližšie ako simyslíš a je možný. Veríš tomu? Si pripravená na takéto dobrodružstvo?
Vitaj v balíčku Intuitívnej podnikateľskej sebavedomosti, kráľovnej, intenzívnom a transformačnom 3-častovom súkromnom koučingovom zážitku navrhnutom špeciálne pre vzdelané a intuitívne ženy ako si ty.
S Aurorou, tvojou intuíciou a vedením trénerky transformácie, sa vyberiete na cestu odomykania nových úrovní sebavedomia, naplnenia a úspechu vo vašom podnikaní. Najlepšie začnite.
Through these 3 intensive sessions, you will learn:
To harness the power of your intuition and elevate your psychic abilities, gaining an unprecedented edge in your professional endeavors.
You'll gain clarity and soar to new heights in your personal and professional life. Say goodbye to feeling stuck and hello to a world of endless possibilities. This program will empower you to embrace your intuition and integrate it seamlessly into your business practices, paving the way for greater success and fulfillment.
By the end of these sessions, you will experience a remarkable transformation. You'll radiate more happiness, exude confidence, and feel an unparalleled sense of freedom. You'll uncover your life's purpose and delve deep into the desires of your soul, all while cultivating unshakeable self-assurance.
You're an ambitious lady who craves more from life and is ready to take action.You feel deep inside of you that you are here for more and you want to explore and live more, fun, enjoy, be free and experience new clarity
You understand that personal growth extends beyond our sessions and are committed to doing the work also outside of our coaching sessions.
Experienced marketers who know the basics, but want to uncover "golden nugget" tactics that will accelerate their results
You feel an inexplicable inner calling, yet struggle to articulate it or bring it to fruition in the outside world.
You're ready to unlock a new level of intuition by establishing a profound connection with your inner source of universal energy.
If you find yourself trapped in an enemy mindset, constantly blaming others for the circumstances in your life, this program may not be the right fit for you.
If you're unfamiliar with the concept of intuition, meditation, or any spiritual practices, and have no desire to explore them, this program may not resonate with you.
If you're content with where you are and have no inclination to make any changes in your life, this program may not align with your current mindset.
If you expect someone to rescue you, hold your hand, and provide all the answers without taking personal responsibility, this program may not meet your expectations.
Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone, reach your limitless heights and become Intuitively Confident in your Business? To live, embody your unique Niché and become your real and the most authentic self, to become your soul in your business? Enroll in the Intuitive Business Confidence program today. Reserve your spot now and embrace the power within you as a real Queen.
€1 111
Price for this 1 month Private Coaching package of 3x90min 1:1 session
* possible ask for a payment plan 3/mo 377€/mo or 5/mo 222€/mo
"Life has sent Aurora to me at the right time. I see it as a gift. ❤ Aurora has a pure, gentle energy that heals deep blocks in the subconscious through gentle and deep therapy and her conscious attention. Just her presence is soothing and healing in itself. Already after the session, a person feels completely different - much lighter, more aware and especially feels that he has unblocked certain things on a much deeper level than during regular coaching/psychotherapy, where a person goes "infinitely" and the progress is very slow, because the treatment does not take place on a energy level, but only on the intellectual level. In her work, the effects are very fast - of course, depending on the state of consciousness and readiness to "restart" certain patterns and internal dysfunctional settings."
I can only recommend Aurora as a coach. She always goes deep, perceives very delicately and exactly what needs to be cleaned and rewritten. I have had several sessions with her and they have always given me new aha moments, insights and cleansings. After each transcription, I feel much lighter and more connected internally and physically. Aurora already has several years of experience with Thethahealing, coaching and working on her own self-development - which is also reflected in her unique approach and knowledge. She has a wonderful connection and always creates a safe space for healing.
* for informations for Apply please Fill the Registration Form and If you are a good fit we will contact you to make a Clarity call
DISCLAIMER: Results shown on this page may vary. It takes real dedication to get results like this. You acknowledge that we have not and do not make any representations as to the health physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or health benefits, future income, expenses, sales volume or potential profitability or loss of any kind that may be derived as a result of your participation in this Program, Product, Services or Program Materials. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, positive or negative, financial or otherwise, through the use of our Programs, Products, Services and Program Materials and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse or non-use of the information provided or obtained through any of our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we are not liable or responsible in any way for your results. Everything on this page is only for your personal use.
Copyright © 2022 Aurora Ficel